📄️ Run XPLA Blockchain Locally (Private)
In the XPLA blockchain, there's a Public Network open for anyone to join. It's called the Mainnet(dimension37-1) and the Testnet(cube47-5). However, exclusively developing on the Public Network has its limitations. Obtaining a significant amount of $XPLA for transaction fees can be challenging, and there might be times when you don't want to generate transactions publicly.
📄️ Decode Account Number and Sequence in Transactions
During the process of issuing tokens (CW20), when signing transactions, you filled in the accountNumber and sequence information as shown below.
📄️ Connect React with XPLA Vault Wallet via Wallet Provider
XPLA Wallet Provider is a tool in React that helps you utilize the XPLA Vault wallet. This makes it easier for users to use their Vault wallet within a React web application. Let's dive into using Wallet Provider directly in a React web app.
📄️ Write and Build Cosmwasm Contracts
In the previous example, we went through the process of Instantiate, Execute, and Query for the CW20 and CW721 contracts.
📄️ Design Convert System
What is 'Convert'?
📄️ Design Swap System
The swap system facilitates easy token exchanges, allowing for the seamless swapping of CW20 tokens() for $XPLA(), as well as for other CW20 tokens!