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Getting Testnet $XPLA Coins

To send transactions and deploy contracts on the XPLA blockchain, you'll need to pay fees in $XPLA coins, the native token on the XPLA Chain. However, It can be quite expensive to cover these fees each time for development or testing. (We feel you)

For this reason, testnets exist! On a testnet, anyone can freely obtain $XPLA coins to use for experimentation. Let's dive right in and get started.


A testnet serves as an environment for testing and advancing the XPLA blockchain. The $XPLA coins within the testnet hold no actual value. Therefore, utilizing a testnet for commercial purposes isn't advisable, as test environments can change or even vanish, much like Ethereum's Ropsten testnet, for instance.


The mainnet and testnet even have different names (chainIDs)! The chainID for the mainnet is dimension_37-1, while the testnet's chainID is cube_47-5. Some of you may have already caught onto this in the previous step.

Receiving $XPLA Coins from the Faucet

The place to obtain testnet $XPLA coins is called Faucet.

You can acquire $XPLA coins through the following steps:

  1. Access the Faucet website.

  2. Enter your wallet address in the Faucet and click the Send me tokens button. For this tutorial, we'll be using the test wallet address xpla1f6hcc3hpxyg8rst9d5sg393e5jaj7453t0xmz8.
  1. If you check your Vault, you'll notice that you've acquired 100 XPLA! If you can't see what I'm seeing, hit the gear icon on the top right and switch the network to testnet.

Have you successfully received the testnet coins? In the next step, we'll utilize the received $XPLA to leave a mark in the blockchain by storing data.